CS(Computer Science)/소프트웨어공학10 10. Jenkins #Jenkins Jenkins • Open source automation server (controller, master) • Automated CI/(CD) tool : Integrator of DevOps • 1000+ plug-ins • Successor of Hudson project (2005) • Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Sun Microsystems • Released in 2011 as Jenkins • Written in Java • Historucally fit in maven/java projects • CloudBees platform for enterprises (days to hour for build jobs) • cf) github, gitlab 장점 fas.. 2023. 2. 6. 9. Selenium - Automated Testing #Selenium #automated #testing Automated Testing 빠른 테스트 시간 더 정확한 테스트 테스팅의 숨은 적 - module dependency 사람 자원 절약 자동화된 regression testing 시도때도 없는 테스팅 Testing integrated (with Jenkins) 밤잠 잘 필요 없는 테스팅 (Nightly Testing) Selenium Suites of testing s/w for web app supports many languages (java, c#, php, python, Ruby, Perl, JS, C, C++) supports many OS (Ios, Android...) supports major web browsers (fir.. 2023. 2. 6. 8. Ansible - Configuration Management #Ansible #Configuration #Management Configuration Management Automated CM Manage large scale heterogeneous computer cluster H/W monitoring S/W install Environment 불일치 문제 해소 업무 Zero Downtime 달성을 위한 기본적인 도구 Basic tool for IT Automation IAC(Infrastructure As Code) IT operation을 자동화 중앙에서 수백대 이상의 기기에 각 기기에 필요한 환경을 provisioning CM Tools - Puppet, Chef, Saltstack, Ansible 특징 Scalability Ease of S.. 2023. 2. 6. 7. KUBERNETES #Kubernetes Docker Swarm Contanier : docker container Scaling: manual Load Balancing : primitive(원초적인) Installation: easy & fast Scalability : limited Storage Volume : Shrarable over any container GUI : NO K8s(Kubernetes) Container: 다른 container도 가능 Scaling: fully automatic Load Balancing: configurable(변경가능한) Installation : more time consuming Scalability: string Storage Volume : within a po.. 2023. 2. 6. 이전 1 2 3 다음 728x90